We see a world free of the impacts of trauma
To reach millions of men with this important message, we must address all aspects to encourage men to speak up and seek help. Yes, it is that simple. Break their silence by sharing with just ONE person whom they love and trust, and ONE person who is a trained professional in healing trauma.
UNLimited WORTH Wellness Society Programs:
Awareness & Advocacy
UNLimited WORTH Podcasts to share insights, information and inspiration
Keynote speaking for audiences across North America
UNLimited WORTH Book(s)
Social media content development and engagement
Multi-platform media awareness/guest speaking campaign.
Awareness campaigns
MenWORTHMeeting – monthly men’s groups (online and in-person)
C-Suite, manager and front line workers, leadership and trauma-informed social-emotional learning programming
MenWORTHMentoring – invitation only, affordable and custom mentoring program
Teen and early adulthood mental health & wellness and anti-stigma programming and presentations
Mental health & wellness workshops and seminars
Connecting those who need with those who do
Connecting funding of treatment options
UNLimited WORTH Wellness Society receives some funding and donations from corporate and executive clients that book professional speaking, training and workshops for their teams, in order to pay-it-forward supporting the organization's message and training with other non-profit or community organizations.
UNLimited WORTH Wellness Society is an incorporated non-profit society under the
British Columbia Societies Act, BC, Canada.
Incorporation #: S0077845