"Male aloneness is male disease"
- Frederick Marx, Academy Award nominated "Hoop Dreams" Producer
Igniting Your Power Within
The Secret to Hidden Strength is in your UNLimited WORTH
Transformative Training for Seaspan ULC, and its supervisors, managers and frontline employees.
1. 28 Minute Free, Decision-Maker, Discovery Call - [conversations held with Corey Lutes, Director Manufacturing and Callum Tio, Workforce Development Manager] Conversation with Mike directly to learn if his program is right for you, or your organization, and implementation.
2. The 2-Hour Training - in-person (Recommended 12-15 participants per group)
This one-session training is geared to help you learn ways to improve performance in life, while understanding key leadership opportunities at work, home and in the community. This workshop is broken down into three sections that will ignite your mind and inspire you to become a more informed and capable person and leader.
The structure of the training helps to normalize conversations surrounding mental wellness, and emotional awareness by disarming stigma and engaging participants in open discussions designed to get to the root of any limiting sabotage, leadership gaps or harmful instincts, in a risk-free setting, without judgment.
Part 1 Interactive Keynote: Sharing of the Story of UNLimited WORTH, as told by Mike Skrypnek, a leadership specialist, and men’s mental wellness advocate, with three decades of experience working with top performing organizations and individuals on his inspirational personal journey. How he discovered the ways people can rise above the non-conscious patterns holding them back and what they can do about it.
Part 2 Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: An interactive overview of the qualities of purposeful leadership, the role of emotional intelligence and emotion awareness, and meeting the daily demands of leadership - for one's self, among others, at work, in the community and at home.
Part 3 The Psychology of Performance: Exploring trauma-informed emotional intelligence and awareness. We examine how to identify hard-wired subconscious patterns and limiting behaviors, while presenting techniques to identify and over come the challenges that hold us back from reaching our full (leadership) potential. When we become aware we can grow.
"Thank you to Mike Skrypnek for discussing our staff’s Unlimited Worth and allowing them to discuss mental health options in a safe space. Despite safety being a core goal, mental health often remains unaddressed. While one in five Canadians face some level of mental health challenge, only one in three will seek treatment because of perceived stigmas. Mike’s discussion helped our team open up about their mental health in a non-judgmental way, setting the ground work for each to have a better understanding of their self, and available support.” Denise Imbeau, General Manager, GFL Environmental Inc.
3. The 15-Minute Follow Up One-on-One Debrief and Action Plan
Private, confidential (optional) follow up calls with all workshop attendees to debrief and define three key personal action steps they need to take toward their profound leadership and emotional awareness journey
​4. The 1-hour Action and Accountability group session (30 days post workshop) - via video conference or in-person.
​A follow-up group session to bring closure to the training, while identifying a collective action plan with the framework to build accountability and success to people moving through the emotional awareness process.
Every participant, if they choose to, will receive a signed copy of Mike's book, "UNLimited WORTH. Lessons of healing from childhood trauma; finding happiness, love and success, for male leaders."
Men are suffering depression, stress and loneliness at an unprecedented rate. Male suicide rates between age 30 and 60 years old have risen and 4 out of 5 suicides of all people in that age range are men! The isolation of the pandemic, a shift to online/remote interactions, a generational shift and changing or evolving roles we play in leadership, in the workplace and at home have increased our desire to find community and connection with other men, while lowering our inclination to take the first step. The primary causes of all male deaths include heart attacks, heart disease, pulmonary disease, cancer, systemic illnesses, accidents, flu and suicide. Stress, depression, anxiety, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, substance abuse, and unfulfilling social connections are all direct contributing factors to the top things that put men's lives at risk.
Igniting Your Power Within
The Secret to Hidden Strength is in your UNLimited WORTH
Program Details
The above proposed corporate training for Seaspan, would initially include up to 80 supervisors and 40 managers. With recommended training group sizes of up to 12 people. The program outlined will consist of approximately 10, 2-hour training sessions, to be delivered over the course of 2 weeks.
Each participant will be encouraged to schedule a 15-30 minute confidential (optional) phone conversation with Mike, as a session "debrief". Calls are private, personal mentoring sessions, and actions steps, if applicable, are suggested.
The 1-hour follow-up group session would be scheduled as optional (yet recommended), in-person, or online video call, approximately 30 to 60 days following the training session.
The details:
Three, 2-hour sessions per day, for a total of 3.5 full training days at Seaspan within a two-week period.
Proposed program dates/availability:
April 2nd through 15th, or April 25, 29, 30, May 1,2,3 (Mike is out of country April 16 thru 23)
Follow-up 15 minute confidential calls will be booked directly with Mike. Email will be sent to each attendee with scheduling details. Accepting and booking a call with Mike is optional.
Follow-up group session will be booked after main training. Online or in-person will be determined by Seaspan and its personal development training schedules.
120 signed copies of Mike's book to be given to each participant (retail value $4,050)
Cost of program, training session, one-on-one, follow up groups session and book, typically requires $200/participant. Acknowledging the commitment of Seaspan to support a large number of team members, and the requirement for a deposit to book time in the future, the investment for this program will be reduced to $___(?) per employee. Estimated total program investment will be $__,___ (plus GST) for 120 employees.
Deposit of 50% of program is due upon signing service agreement (up to 21 days prior to first session), with the balance to be paid on or before the first session.
An invoice will be supplied detailing the payment structure
Mike Skrypnek, agrees to sign a Seaspan contractor agreement if applicable
Contact Mike, by email: info@mikeskrypnek.com of phone: 403-870-6775 with questions, inquiries, etc.